Friday, December 19, 2008

K.L. view from the MRR2

Ever since I started working in KK Simpang Pelangai, I can't wait to come back every weekend and whenever I get the chance to. I use the MRR2 as it's the shortest possible way that leads to my home in P.J. Each time I pass this area near AMpang, I couldn't help notice the view of K.L. was spectacular there. Well, maybe I'm just too happy that I'm seeing the sign that I'm back in K.L. (now I understand why the twin tower and the K.L. tower is said to be a symbol to be proud of by every Malaysian. In my perspective, by every K.L.-ian or P.J.-ian cause it signifies that I'm finally home... ) Anyways, today, on my way back, I fine that the sunset was really beautiful as it hits the concrete jungle... So, I took out my camera and took a few shots... The shots were not taken properly because I was steering with my other hand. Besides, the road devider was really tall. Don't worry, I was in a jam when I took the pictures, so my car was moving extremely slowly. Otherwise, you think I'm daredevil enough to put other road users and myself in jepordy?

Scene blocked by railing on the divider...

Clearer view

Further down the road

Beautiful city view not for the divider

Sunset in the city...

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Smiley in the sky

Taken with my EOS 450D, my new toy, is rare event. Two stars appearing above a crescent moon forming a smiley in the sky. On the night of the 1st of December, while I was making my dinner I got a call from my neighbour who went out attending to an on-call case. He asked me to come out and said that there's someone smiling above my roof. That kinda got me startled as I lived in the jungle and it's damn dark. Well, I went out to see what he was saying. After seeing what it was I ran in and took my camera to capture this and it took a few shots as my lens is only 18-55mm thus the insufficient zoom and I do not have a tripod. Anyhow, I didn't think much of this event until it came up on the news the next day saying it's a rare sighting. I guess it's a picture to remember then. : )

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another one rescued...

Today, I got to know that Mark, who spent more than a year in a district Hosp. in Malacca, got transfered back to K.L. Congratulations!!! from the bottom of my heart! It seems one by one, my colleagues sent to other far away states are getting back to civilisation. Well, previously when I get to know anyone getting back, I'd be surprised and anxious to know if my application got through. I'd call Jen, to discuss and this would usually follow with a call to the people in charge for a status check. Up till now it's been disappointment. "Oh it's still being KIV'ed for review in the next meeting" "May I know when's the next meeting?" "Oh, that we do not know, the bosses will have the next meeting when they wanna have the next meeting" "Oh, Great thanks a lot for such a vast amount of useful info"

Ahh... well, that was then, after a few of such scenario, hmm... not so hopeful anymore... another got back? well great news for you! Think maybe I should call tomorrow to bug them a bit. Expected answer? "Sorry, it's still being KIV'ed" "Oh, places in K.L. and Selangor are already filled" "Call again soon"... Felt like calling a distant relative... heard them all... nothing else to say... Well, that's life in the service...

Oh somthing interesting happened... I got a Canon 450D!! rocks!!! for a while... now i need new lenses!!!!!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What do I do these days???

It's been more than a year since I was posted into the jungle, to be precise, as of today, it's been a year and 19 days... and yet, with no sign of a transfer, I'm still stuck here. Yes, I'm counting the days. It's what desperate people do. The same reason why prisoners carve lines on the wall noting the pass of each day.

Well, what do I actually do here then? Nothing much actually. Nothing much can be done here anyways, since I'm so far away from friends and family, oh and most importantly, so far from civilization... Of course I'm exaggerating, they have schools here, estates, some food stalls, and ermm... well nothing interesting. So this past year, what I do daily has become, what they call it?... a routine... Not that I don't have much work to do. The workload here is enough to keep me occupy... for the day of course. So daily, I'll usually work till 6.30pm or 7.00pm. That is usually, when I have to manage my stock and do ordering. Sometimes, I'll be lazy and come back right after work.

Reaching home, I'll relax with some old mangas or animes (yup I'm thus pathetic). Then around 7 to 7.30pm, I'll start cooking. I don't think I enjoy cooking here as much as I did before. The environment is one thing, then there is the fatigue from work, the lack of ingredients and lastly, in the end I'll be only cooking for one... no need to make a big deal out of it.

Dinner will usually be accompanied by movies or series that Jen, my dear, so kindly provide or from wherever I could scavenge from. Then, I'll follow on with either the movie, or mangas, or now that I have connection, slow as it may be, surf the net until 10pm when I go collect water for my shower. Sometime before that I will have the joy of talking to my dear and then more after my shower till I finally go to bed at 11.30pm. It's these conversations that makes me feel not so lonely during such isolation.

The next morning I wake at 6.54am, with the aid of my alarm and a morning call from Jen and well... what did I say about a routine... That's me sitting my ass and growing by the inch, sideways that is, daily. I'm not even motivated enough to exercise... Sigh... Only sometimes will I go do something else like washing my car or so which now seems to take more effort than before...

Damn... I seriously need help

PS. I too noticed that my blogs turn sour when I started working with the 'you know who'... Better not say it or they might lock me up without trial...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's durian season!!

It's been so long since I last posted anything here. Well, it's same old over here. Working in Pahang is really not a bad thing. Pahang for one is a beautiful state with most of it's natural beauty un-defiled. But, well, that's also another part which scared the shit out of me. What do you expect from a kid born and bred in a concrete jungle? Most fellow pharmacists I find working in this state regardless of how secluded they are, they seem to be giving their best in improving the image of the profession. It may well be due to well, us having a good TPK and also... Pahang is really a big state and there are only very few of us. So we may see each other more often and feed on each others positive thoughts as motivation to strive on.

Anyhow, it's durian season now in Pelangai!! and well, I've been having some myself. All thanks to the very very friendly "ah soh" from Mancis. She has been taking very good care of me. *sometimes up to a point where it scares the shit out of me too....* *Ahem...* As I was saying, she did bring me quite a number of fruits from around here; papaya which she claimed someone gave her but she cannot finish, durian which she claimed fall off the trees in her rubber estate, mangoes which she got from "who knows where" *I forgot what she said...*; all which she forced into my hands when I politely decline. Well, I was glad though, I got to taste plenty of good stuff. It kind of relieve me from the stress I get working here.

Oh, since I mentioned about work... for people who I once heard saying, "K.K. has nothing much to do wan... you are pretty much the boss there and it's quite free...", you really have NOT worked in a K.K. before haven't you?!?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

petty thoughts...

It seems like history's repeating itself... and for that, I'm afraid. But if things are to happen, then it shall for I have no energy left to stop it...

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I've got connection

At last!!!.. Praise the technology!! now everyone can go online regardless of where they are... Look at me!! ahahaha in the jungle and I'm online... well there are setbacks. First and most important, it's freaking slow. I took the 3.6Mb package and I've tested it... it's only running on 30kbps max d/l... WTF!! yes... sigh.. well i guess it's better than nothing.

They did promise at least 15x faster than dial-up. But I guess that only applies in the big towns. Must have written it off in some fine prints. Yet again, what more can I aspect? I'm in the middle of the freaking jungle!

I'm trying out Maxis Broadband now. I remembered the guy telling me, "if you have a full bar for your mobile phone, then you'll get EDGE connection which is faster than GPRS( the normal connection for all mobile phones)" Pffhtt... empty promises... can't blame him though... he's just selling. Never been here before, so I guess he wouldn't know that there are still places like this and still there are people settling here.

Well, as for myself, it's really very confusing emotions... happy cause i got connected, yet frustrated cause a page takes thousand years to load... Kinda remind me of my secondary years when the internet is something new...

Friday, February 15, 2008


In life, there are many hopes. And with hopes, comes disappointments as well. The amount of disappointments one must face in life is indeed too much to count. The disappointment of not getting the best things in life, disappointment of not getting to work where one likes, disappointment of not being able to please everyone, disappointment of not having enough time, disappointment of not having enough money, etc etc… and the list goes on. Disappointments like these, one can choose to get over with and get on with life, or, hang on to and have a miserable time.

However the disappointment that hurts most must be, I guess, having the person one cares about, love and trust most, not understanding what one is going through and thinks one as a disappointment oneself.

Sigh... Disappointment really causes extreme fatigue... *yawn*