Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Smiley in the sky

Taken with my EOS 450D, my new toy, is rare event. Two stars appearing above a crescent moon forming a smiley in the sky. On the night of the 1st of December, while I was making my dinner I got a call from my neighbour who went out attending to an on-call case. He asked me to come out and said that there's someone smiling above my roof. That kinda got me startled as I lived in the jungle and it's damn dark. Well, I went out to see what he was saying. After seeing what it was I ran in and took my camera to capture this and it took a few shots as my lens is only 18-55mm thus the insufficient zoom and I do not have a tripod. Anyhow, I didn't think much of this event until it came up on the news the next day saying it's a rare sighting. I guess it's a picture to remember then. : )

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