Friday, July 29, 2005

I'm back...

Whao!... Looks like it's been ages since I last posted a blog. Well, that's because nothing much has happened ever since the last blog. As usual, I follow the daily routine here, wake up, have breakfast, attend lectures or lab sessions, have lunch, come back in the evening, cook, eat, sleep. That's just about everything I do daily. Well except for shopping occasionally for grocerries.

Oh, yup, something special DID happened. I went to a foam party. My first time ever. Well, it's nothing much to talk about actually, the usual disco scene; dance, drinks; the only extra is that they shoot foam on the dance floor, and THAT'S also for a very short period of time. I remembered having to walk back to my residential hall still wet during the night. Nearly frozen halfway. That's about the most happening event I've had since I've been to Glasgow.

Other crazy stuff I've done? Well, umm... I've rolled down hills before... hahaha thinking of it makes me laugh... The gang I went with was exceptionally silly and fun to be with. We rolled down a small little hill just at the back of our residential block. Great fun we had... Might continue doing it when we are 'wu liau' and have nothing to do. I've also got to know a certain person better whom I felt great being with. That's that ok... don't be so 'ke po'.

Besides all I've written, Glasgow is really a nice quiet place... a bit too quiet for people like me though. Great place to have a vacation, well if you have time and money (as I had a discussion with Mark). But all in all... nothing much has happened up till now. I'll be having my exams soon and won't be blogging for a while. Haha, like I had?? haha... I think no one visits this place anymore since I've deserted it for quite some time....

Anyways, end of blog.... ja ne....

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