Saturday, February 10, 2007

Entering the Porcine Year...

Just another week and we'll be having our Chinese New Year... yeah!!! *dong dong dong cheng... dong dong dong cheng*... oh wait... can't do that cause I didn't pay royalty. *-_-"*

This would be my first year celebrating new year as a working class... So this year I'll be contributing no doubt. Many years had past where my parents had to bear the burden. Now, I, shall do it for THEM!! *TADAA!!*.... but with a measly pay, what big deal can I do *-_-"* *crow flying over head*. Sigh... well at least I'm contributing...

This would also be a year I'm celebrating new year in a rush. With only a week of rest and so many places and people to visit. Have to be in Ipoh and then back to K.L. Hmm... (hehe... collect ang pow at super speed... hehehehe....)

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