Monday, December 20, 2004

After Class

Today had a two hour class from 10.30 am to 12.45 noon (15 mins break in between, my math is not that bad). Then after lunch came up to the library and started searching for the journals I need for my assignment. It was about 1.15pm when I started my search online in the library and had to pause to attend a workshop at 2.30pm. Workshop ended at about 3.45pm and I came up here; the computer lab in the library; again to continue my search. I've been searching from then until now when I decided to take a break. Journals that I require are really hard to find. If it's not outdated, the journals I need are not there there at all. There are only a small number of articles which are related to my subject. Well, studies are never easy, that's for sure! Anyway, I've faced the computer for about 2 hours and it's not going to end soon. They say long exposure to radiation is not good and facing the monitor for too long might increase the chances of getting glaucoma. If that's true, I wonder how long could I endure before going blind or mutated.

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