Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Bacterial Chemotherapy

We had had our briefing on our bacterial chemotherapy assignment for the subject Drug and Disease 3. All we have to do now is to look up on the list of disease, look for the one most common infectious organism (bacteria in this case), the best antibacterial drug used to cure this infection, and a maximum of three alternative antibacteria. Sounds easy.... looks easy.... and as a matter of fact it would be easy. BUT... Dr.K wants all our information be extracted from journals; not books nor websites, but recent journals; dating from 2002-2004.

So what makes it so difficult?? After all he have reduced our sources to just one type... Haa... the trick is,.... we don't have recent journals in the library and online journals with more recent dates requires membership which cost money!! And I thought scientific informations should be shared among the public FOR FREE.

Anyway, I'm trying to search through the web for what I can, free online journals which are up to date. The massive workload from other subjects and events are not helping either. Well... just hope things WILL work out,... or at least don't go worse.


G said...

am asking the library to subscribe to this particular journal called Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. It has recent relevant info for us. ALternatively, I could get khalid to ask the library to subscribe to it. The latter I think, should b more effective. IMU should have a list of journals that they subscribe to. I hav a few online journals with me. come look for me for the web n logins.

Anonymous said...

ginnie i oso want!! :(
